Friday, September 08, 2006

Council's ASB Letter

Thursday 31st August 2006

The council came round today posting the letters they promised to and they are very good. Some of my good neighbours were out when they were delivered and I could see them pointing everywhere, obviously saying who they had trouble with.

This is what the letter said:

Dear Resident,

Re: Anti-scoial Behaviour

I have received reports of Anti Social Behaviour in your area. Complaints made include:-

  • Criminal Damage
  • No Ball Game Signs not being complied with.
  • General Anti Social Behaviour.
  • Dogs being unsupervised.

Liverpool Anti Social Behaviour Unit is working closely with Merseyside Police, in order to identify the individuals responsible and take the appropriate action to curb their behaviour.

If you have any information on individuals known to be taking part in the above Anti Social Behaviour, I would encourage you to contact me on the above telephone number or Merseyside Police at Admiral Street.


With your help, we can put an end to this behaviour which is blighting the lives of residents in your community.


Liverpool Anti Social Behaviour Unit & Merseyside Police.

Now this is exactly what we wanted. The biggest difference between the gangs in our roads and those elsewhere are that these gangs live in our road. They break with tradition and actually sh!t on their own doorsteps. The reason being their parents don't care about them and turn a blind eye or they dump their kids in the street and then go galavanting. Even still, they KNOW that everyone is fed up with them because none of them can walk down the road with their heads up - they all have their heads down pretending to text someone on their phones until they get out of the street.

Only time is going to tell now if the letter will work, what it has done however, is informed residents that they don't have to put up with it. Our community has been fracturing because of these gangs. People who moved here 40, 50 years ago to raise their families are now selling up and either students, asylum seekers or private landlords take over the house and none of these people have the intention of staying here and building a community so they don't care. No one speaks to each other any more so no one confided in each other.

Some residents were being threatened with physical violence such as in one case where a gang where playing football, using foul language and damaging peoples property they were told to go in their own road. The request was met with 'I'm gonna get my dad to fcuk you all over the place' - the dad is a psycho who has been locked up for ABH & GBH. Before the ASBU got involved, this guy was on his own, now people can report what they see. The mother of these lads in particular needs parenting classes - all she is interested in is what she looks like - she can't even get her youngest into school on time and it is quite obvious by the fake tan, nails, make-up and hair that she had plenty of time to get him in.


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